Следующая дата:
02.09.2024 - Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Uhr
Курс заканчивается:
Общая продолжительность:
480 Stunden in 60 Tage
язык обучения:
  • Englisch
Вид мероприятия:
  • Weiterbildung 
Форма предложения:
  • Präsenzveranstaltung 
Время проведения:
  • Tagesveranstaltung
Участники мин.:
Участники макс.:
3 900,40 €
  • Bildungsgutschein 
  • Deutsche Rentenversicherung 
Вид документа об образовании:
Итоговый экзамен:
Окончательный титул:
keine Angaben
Сертификация курса:
  • SGB III-Maßnahmezulassung 
Курсы только для женщин:
Присмотр за детьми:
Ссылка на курс:
Качество информации:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Целевые группы:
Interested people from all disciplines, both for people who want to work as a coach on a permanent or freelance basis as well as for additional qualifications in human resources, health care, social work or consulting.
Профессиональные условия:
English language skills
Технические условия:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Систематика терминов агентств по трудоустройству Германии:
  • C 2630-10-10 Soziale Beratung, Coaching - Techniken, Methoden


Systemic Coach with optional mentoring programme
Training objectives
You will be equipped with scientifically based expert knowledge and learn to apply systemic coaching through practical exercises. You will gain clarity about your future role as a coach and prepare yourself in a self-reflective way to accompany people in change processes.

Contents of the training:
• Communication and Conflict Management Basics
• Consulting tools for consultants and coaches
• NVC: Nonviolent Communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg
• Self-control and mindfulness as a tool for consultants and coaches
• NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming Basics
• Coaching techniques and interventions – Practice

Coaches support people within a structured process to clarify directional questions in the professional and personal context and to gain competence to act. The ongoing digital transformation process of everyday and professional life presents many people with challenges that involve adaptation and change processes. Systemic coaches support you in finding a sustainable path within this changing system.

In the coaching process people develop the ability to use digital competences and at the same time to activate, preserve and use their own resources and sources of strength. The fields of application of systemic coaches are diverse. They work with individuals, teams or groups, in human resource development, business start-ups, professional activation and orientation or in the health and social sector.

02.09.2024 - 25.11.2024

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Впервые опубликовано на 13.02.2024, последнее обновление на 05.07.2024