NetApp - Administration of OnCommand Unified Manager and Integrated Solutions (NA-AOCMCDOT)

الموعد القادم:
22.08.2024 - 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr
الدورة تنتهي في:
إجمالي المدة:
16 Stunden in 2 Tagen
اللغات المستخدمة في الدراسة:
  • Deutsch
نوع الفعالية:
  • Weiterbildung 
نموذج العرض:
  • E-Learning 
فترة التنفيذ:
  • Tagesveranstaltung
أدنى عدد للمشاركين:
أقصى عدد للمشاركين:
€ ٢٬١٤٢ - Inklusive Schulungsunterlagen und Pausenversorgung
  • Bildungsscheck Brandenburg für Beschäftigte 
  • Betriebliche Weiterbildung Brandenburg 
نوع المؤهل الدراسي:
اختبار إتمام المؤهل:
اسم المؤهِّل:
keine Angaben
اعتمادات العرض:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
عرض للسيدات فقط:
رعاية الأطفال:
رابط العرض:
جودة المعلومات:
Suchportal Standard nicht erfüllt - المزيد من المعلومات.

المجموعات المستهدفة:
NetApp employees or NetApp partners who are support engineers, Professional Services workers, or Customer Support Services workers.
المتطلبات المهنية:
Kenntnisse entsprechend der Kurse: ONTAP 9 Cluster Administration (ONTAP9ADM) und ONTAP Data Management Fundamentals (DMFWBT).
المتطلبات التقنية:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
منهجية وكالات العمل:
  • C 1430-10-10 System-, Netzwerkadministration - allgemein


- Module 1: Review the Unified Manager and NetApp Data Management Products
- - Types of Data Management software
- - Data management portfolio: Software, OnCommand Software suite
- - OnCommand Unified Manager: Functionality, Discovery process
- - OnCommand Workflow Automation, Integrating with Unified Manager
- - Unification of Unified Manger and Performance Manager
- Module 2: Deploy Unified Manager
- - Unified Manager: Installation tasks, Configuration tasks, Host environment, Supported browsers, Maintenance console, Unified Manager UI, Initial settings, Configure cluster data sources
- - Unified Manager discovery process
- - Physical objects
- - Logical objects
- - Protocols
- - Storage efficiency components
- - Protection components
- Module 3: Explore the Unified Manager UI
- - UI features
- - Dashboards
- - Customize UI dashboards
- Module 4: Customize Unified Manager for Your Storage Environment
- - Customize thresholds: Health, Performance policies, Expected range, Creating
- - User management: Remote authentication, Creating users
- - Event management
- - Event triggers
- - Event retention
- - Alert notifications
- - Annotations
- - Groups
- Module 5: Monitor Storage Objects
- - Object health pages
- - Performance pages
- - Unified Manager Reporting features
- Module 6: Maintain Unified Manager
- - Backing up / Restore Unified Manager
- - Upgrade Unified Manager
- - Performance data migration tool
- Module 7: Use OnCommand WFA and Unified Manager to Manage Data Protection Relationships
- - OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) server basic architecture
- - Pair WFA to Unified Manager
- - Configure WFA data sources and target systems
- - Create and manage data-protection relationships

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