Introducing Ensemble

Next Date:
19.11.2024 - 08:30 - 16:30
Course ends on:
Total Duration:
6 Stunden in 1 Tag
Teaching Languages:
  • Englisch
Type of Course:
  • Weiterbildung 
Type of Provision:
  • Präsenzveranstaltung 
Execution Time:
  • Tagesveranstaltung
min. Participants:
max. Participants:
€950 - 850 EUR if booked by September 15, 2024
Type of Qualification:
Final Examination:
Qualification Title:
keine Angaben
Certifications of the Course:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
Courses for Women only:
Link to Course:
Quantity of Details:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Target Groups:
 Testers, coaches, managers
Professional Requirements:
see abstract
Technical Requirements:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Classification of the Federal Employment Agency:
keine Angaben


Practical ways to bring this effective way of working to your team

- How to get started ensemble working with your team
- Ensemble is a collaboration technique any team can benefit from
- It's productive: Optimizes for 'One piece Flow' rather than utilization

When you have a team working together well in an ensemble it gives everyone a better chance to share knowledge and raise the quality of the work being done. Ensemble is another name for Software Teaming or Mob Programming. Before a team will be able to work smoothly in an ensemble you usually need to explain the structure, roles, and underlying principles. They will also need some hands-on practice working this way with a straightforward piece of code before they tackle the complexity of their production code. This course introduces all the important aspects for successful ensemble in a structured way that is tried and tested.

The hope is that later on you'd be able to use the course materials to repeat this same training with any teams you are part of or are coaching.

Course Topics:

Creating a safe, engaging coding environment with your team
Ensemble roles, rotations and structure
Hands-on experience being part of a well-facilitated ensemble
Practical tips to improve communication and collaboration
This training is highly interactive and participatory. No prior experience of ensemble is needed. You will come away with the knowledge you need to get started ensemble working with your colleagues.

All statements without guarantee. The providers are solely responsible for the correctness of the given information.

Published on 12.06.2024, last updated on 03.07.2024