TechIntegrate: System Administration - for refugees (Onlinekurs)

Next Date:
Course ends on:
Total Duration:
800 Stunden in 5 Monate
Teaching Languages:
  • Englisch
Type of Course:
  • Weiterbildung 
Type of Provision:
  • E-Learning 
Execution Time:
  • Tagesveranstaltung
min. Participants:
keine Angaben
max. Participants:
keine Angaben
  • Bildungsgutschein 
Type of Qualification:
Final Examination:
Qualification Title:
keine Angaben
Certifications of the Course:
  • SGB III-Maßnahmezulassung 
Courses for Women only:
Link to Course:
Quantity of Details:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Target Groups:
for refugees
Professional Requirements:
- Entitlement to an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) - English A2 - Interest in IT or previous experience
Technical Requirements:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Classification of the Federal Employment Agency:
  • C 1430-10-10 System-, Netzwerkadministration - allgemein


System administration is a critical and constantly evolving field that involves the maintenance, configuration and reliable operation of computer systems, especially multi-user computers such as servers. The demand for qualified system administrators continues to grow as companies and organizations of all sizes and industries rely on robust and efficient IT infrastructures to keep their business processes running smoothly. Some of the most sought-after positions in systems administration include roles such as network administrator, database administrator, IT manager, systems engineer and cloud administrator.

These roles require a wide range of skills, from in-depth technical knowledge of networks, databases and cloud technologies to problem management and interpersonal communication skills. By specializing in specific areas of system administration, professionals can earn attractive salaries and career opportunities. We offer people with a migration background the opportunity to receive in-depth training as a system administrator in just 5 months, thus laying the foundations for a successful career in this future-oriented and indispensable professional field.

Introduction to IT basics (2 months)
Content Module 1
- Basics in the field of cyber security / IT security
- Setting up mobile devices and operating systems
- Basics of data protection
- Security risks and protective measures
- Identity management
- Software-Troubleshooting
- Introduction to network security

Network technology & security (3 months)
Content Module 2
- Understanding and configuring firewalls
- Network monitoring and analysis
- Implementation of network security
- Transport protocols, tools for scanning network ports, network addressing services
- Physical security methods, IoT devices, types of attacks
- Concepts for high availability, cloud concepts, virtualization and SAN technologies

All statements without guarantee. The providers are solely responsible for the correctness of the given information.

Published on 02.07.2024, last updated on 05.07.2024