How should we test this?

Prochain date:
19.11.2024 - 08:30 - 16:30
Le cours se termine le:
Durée totale:
6 Stunden in 1 Tag
Langues d'enseignement:
  • Englisch
Type de formation:
  • Weiterbildung 
Forme de cours:
  • Präsenzveranstaltung 
Temps d'exécution:
  • Tagesveranstaltung
Participants min.:
Participants max.:
950 € - 850 EUR if booked by September 15, 2024
Type de diplôme:
Examen final:
Désignation de diplôme:
keine Angaben
Certifications du cours:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
Cours pour femmes uniquement:
Garde d’enfants:
Lien vers l’offre:
Qualité de l’information:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Groupes cibles:
 Everybody who is involved in software delivery
Connaissances spécialisées:
see abstract
Connaissances techniques:
Keine besonderen Anforderungen.
Classification de l’Agence pour l’emploi:
keine Angaben


Unlock the secrets of effective testing by mastering risk analysis and strategic thinking in this fast-paced, interactive, hands-on tutorial.

- Improve your thinking skills
- Learn to use risks effectively in your daily work
- Learn how to use powerful heuristics
- Learn to do a practical and thorough risk analysis
- Learn how to create a practical test strategy fast

Mastering Risk-Based Testing: From Strategy to Execution
"How should we test this?" is one of the toughest questions a practicing tester can encounter. Are you concerned that your testing is not oriented toward finding the problems that really matter? Do you skip thinking about risks and test strategy because your sprints are too short? Then this tutorial is made for you! We all know that risk is a central theme in software development and still we struggle to use risk ideas effectively in our work. Risk-based testing means organizing your test strategy around suspected risks. This means performing risk analysis before, during, and after testing as a continuous process. Considering risks helps us to devise a workable strategy. Effective risk analysis and creating practical test strategies are skills that are seldom taught and much of the related literature is weak and uninspiring.

To develop these important skills, this tutorial is designed to help you to sharpen your strategic thinking skills. This will enable you to create a baseline test strategy for a product in time it takes to drink a cup of tea or a pint of beer. This is going to be fast-paced and a lot of fun. Don't worry if you think you've never created a risk analysis or test strategy before. We'll start nice and easy and we'll increase the complexity and shorten the timescales.

Method of instruction: During this interactive and experiential workshop, we will work in groups using powerful heuristics: resources that enable us to think critically and quickly. We will also work on evaluating context, risk analysis and modelling products. Equipped with these tools, you and your group will do risk analysis and create test strategies on real software. You will present your work and together we will debrief it. By doing this you'll learn to think critically about the presented analyses and strategies. Collectively we'll improve our risk analysis and test strategy skills.

Toutes les informations sont sans garantie. Les prestataires sont seuls responsables de la justesse des informations mises à disposition.

Première publication le 12.06.2024, dernière mise à jour le 26.06.2024