Resilience and Mindful Stress Prevention

Następny termin:
16.09.2024 - 3 Live-Online-Sessions: Monday 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Oferta wygasa w dniu:
Łączny czas trwania:
28 Stunden in 7 Wochen
Język wykładowy:
  • Englisch
Rodzaj szkolenia:
  • Weiterbildung 
Forma oferty:
  • E-Learning 
Czas przeprowadzania zajęć:
  • Teilzeitveranstaltung
Min. ilość uczestników:
Maks. ilość uczestników:
725 €
Rodzaj dyplomu:
Egzamin końcowy:
Rodzaj świadectwa ukończenia:
keine Angaben
Certyfikaty oferty:
  • Nicht zertifiziert
Oferty tylko dla kobiet:
Organizatorzy oferujący opieką dla dzieci:
Link do oferty:
Jakość informacji:
Suchportal Standard Plus

Grupy docelowe:
keine Angaben
Wymagania specjalistyczne:
English language abilities in speaking and writing, at least Level B2; The willingness and ability to participate and actively contribute to the three live sessions of this course
Wymagania techniczne:
A stable internet connection as well as a quiet work environment
Systematyka agencji zatrudnienia:
keine Angaben


Do you want to deal constructively with challenging situations that your (work) life throws at you? Then this course is for you! Upon completing our resilience training, you will leave with a renewed sense of control, armed with practical skills to manage stress, and an enhanced overall well-being.

What you will learn in the resilience and stress management course?

In this stress management and resilience training, you will identify stress factors in your professional as well as personal life. Based on scientific research, you will develop your own strategies for self-leadership and stress management. The goal is for you to maintain your work efficiency and zest for life - whatever it has in store for you. You will learn how to implement practical strategies covering stress relief, resilience building, mindfulness, self-organization, and self-care.

You will be able to engage in sharing your experiences, interactive exercises, and personalized assignments to cultivate lasting resilience. Join the course to empower and equip yourself with the tools to elevate your well-being, reclaim balance and thus tackle life's challenges in a mindful and healthy way.

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Po raz pierwszy opublikowano dnia 12.06.2024, Ostatnia aktualizacja 26.06.2024